Smart Paints

In our program for some time we have, promote and trade SMART PAINTS from the Dutch manufacturer MagPaint. SMART PAINTS applied on chosen surface – wall and wooden surfaces, metal or plastic surfaces (of course with prop

er basic color) – make surface suitable for writing with nonpermanent markers. The surface can be regularly dry cleaned, surface with excessive quantities of coloring residues can be cleaned with cleaning products. We’re recommending SKETCH CLEANER cleaner.

You can choose between a white or colorless SMART PAINT, in glossy or matt appearance. Ecologically intelligent colors SketchPaint does NOT INCLUDE volatile organic substances (VOC), and have a European certificate for use on children’s toys EN 71-3.

Where you can use smart color? Wherever you normally want to change the surface on the writing board! Children’s rooms, kitchens, hallways, corridors, offices, schools and kindergartens, hospitals, waiting rooms at railway stations..and much more, in short, everywhere!